For some reason that I cannot think of, those fantastic chap's at Arena magazine wanted to take my photo in Tokyo.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Its not all about dressing up for fun you know. Its also about dressing up and going to work. The Devil makes work for idle thumbs apparently so I try to keep as upwardly mobile as possible, trying to shake off the Beelzebub's mischievous advances (well one can try I suppose)
I seem to have a been on somewhat of a multinational tour spreading the Gospel of Penrose, far and wide I have travelled, proclaiming to all I see. The wonder is the chaps I’ve been meeting don't actually need that much convincing, well you wouldn't would you when presented with a tie and pochette as delightfully alluring as a Penrose.
From Milan to New York the Mr P express has visited so instead of a few snapshots of location I thought it would be more fitting to offer you a perusal of a few outfits instead.
Until next time.. .. .. .. .. ..