Tuesday, 6 March 2012

For some reason that I cannot think of, those fantastic chap's at Arena magazine wanted to take my photo in Tokyo. 

Here I am in Florence,
You may be wondering what that blue folder is clenched under my arm? Well ideas and inspiration of course. It can't all fit in my head!!

Its not all about dressing up for fun you know. Its also about dressing up and going to work. The Devil makes work for idle thumbs apparently so I try to keep as upwardly mobile as possible, trying to shake off the Beelzebub's mischievous advances (well one can try I suppose)

I seem to have a been on somewhat of a multinational tour spreading the Gospel of Penrose, far and wide I have travelled, proclaiming to all I see. The wonder is the chaps I’ve been meeting don't actually need that much convincing, well you wouldn't would you when presented with a tie and pochette as delightfully alluring as a Penrose.

From Milan to New York the Mr P express has visited so instead of a few snapshots of location I thought it would be more fitting to offer you a perusal of a few outfits instead.

Until next time.. .. .. .. .. ..